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Dreams Worth Chasing

I still can't get the day I left my full time sales job out of my head, the last words from my boss at the time weren't of anger but of support. "I really admire your courage to chase your dreams."


At the time I didn't fully appreciate or come to terms with what he was saying to me but after having the time to reflect and look back, it has finally hit me. I was leaving a full time job in sales making all the money my family could ever want but there was certainly something missing. Most days I would come home feeling unfulfilled because being in sales wasn't really anything I enjoyed. I didn't mind going to visit customers and chat, but even a big sale wasn't getting my blood pumping. By the end, it felt more like a chore than a thrill to sell our product or chase the next sale. That's when I got the opportunity to leave my job and go into coaching full time.

At the time, my wife and I had already had the conversation that if a full time job in coaching hockey came my way, I would chase it. With it finally in my lap I was nervous however I knew this is what I really wanted. Sitting here after the conclusion of my first season, I finally understand the depth of my old bosses words. "I really admire your courage to chase your dreams." While I took a pay cut that would make some people sick, I have never had so much happiness in my life. I lack the stress that use to tear me apart inside and I finally love what I do every single day. There aren't many people in the world that would make the decision to upend everything they know to chase a dream they hoped would work out. I was adding so much uncertainty to the equation, but I was confident that no matter what, we would always have enough money to make it in life.

As we continue to grow the Mental Mindset Podcast, I asked Andrew to let me write a blog for the website so I could start to share my story and my thoughts on chasing your dreams. I'd like to make this a multi-part blog where I go down some of the different places I have been since the decision and switch. If there's one thing I can tell anyone, it's have the courage to follow your dreams and find what you're passionate about. Life is too short to not be happy.

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